Amrit Sagar Holistic Farm
Amrit Sagar (“Ocean of Nectar”) is a ten-acre facility situated on the eastern bank of the Ganges River, a short boat ride from Varanasi’s city center and directly across from Amrit Yoga Holistic Center. At Amrit Sagar, organically farmed vegetables, fruit and dairy provide food for the boys’ and girls’ hostels in Varanasi. Amrit Sagar also employs local villagers and functions as a setting for service and experiential learning for community members.
The Farm is innovative with clean energy, safe water and agricultural production, serving as a working model for sustainability best practices. As a teaching center, Amrit Sagar demonstrates how to practically implement traditional and innovative agricultural and food management practices.
Amrit Sagar Holistic Farm is a rare oasis of quiet and pristine greenery in Varanasi, where one can connect with nature, practice Yoga in action, and learn tools for integrating sustainable practices into daily life.